線上英語會話、CALLAN 凱倫學習法、DME 直接英語學習法



英文還不錯但仍無法聽得懂英文新聞? 這是多數學習英文已久的人常有的狀況。English Bell以美國著名的新聞網CNN內容為教材,每一段影片皆搭配主題相同的線上教科書。透過新聞影音畫面來學習專業性的英文用法、短篇敘述的能力,並藉由與老師的即時討論來訓練時事分析與答辯的能力與技巧。本課程適合英文中級以上程度的學習者。



 上課教材  影片內容
1 Crimes Statistic on the Web
2 Guilty of Elderly Abuse
3 Treatment Not Time
4 History Repeats? 1916 Election Parallel
5 Bike Messenger
6 Trashed Books
7 Roadless Area Plan
8 Energy Debate
9 Man Growing Marijuana Sent to Jail by Feds
10 Parole Board Logjam in California
11 Power Deregulation
12 Secret Japanese - American Mission
13 WTO
14 Afghan Reaction in the United States
15 Abortion Web Trial Ends
16 Ancient Beauty
17 American Captured as Taliban Fighter
18 Airport Delays on the Rise
19 California Power Surplus City
20 Computers and Girls
21 Death Row Inmate Nominated for Nobel Prize
22 Prison Abuse Investigated
23 Court of Appeals Rules Against Napster
24 Long Term Effects of Divorce
25 Saving AIDS Drugs for African Victims
26 Fuel Cell Technology for Cars
27 Primate Researchers Sent Booby-Trapped Letters
28 Olympic Hero Homecoming
29 Senior Citizens Surf the Web for Health of Mind and Body
30 Makah Indians Hunt Gray Whale


為了讓喜歡上CNN課程的會員們有更多的選擇內容,English Bell 提供另一線上教科書 - 美國之音- Voice of America (VOA). 您可以在這裡選取最新的時事文章與影音檔,內容豐富多元,不出門也能聊天下事。請務必於課程開始前先行觀賞及聆聽內容後,再與您的老師進一步討論,以期達到最佳的學習效果。

